Prologue;Oh, look. You've found me! Sarah, 24, Malaysian, currently down under. read: I'm funny. sometimes. Enquiries: P/s: I'm fully devoted to skulls,black & coffee. Shoutbox: Free shoutbox for website or blog
Shoutbox Tutorials: How to get a shoutbox Jessica Clements YouTuber: Ngai Chun Cheung about his crush on Jessica Clements Jessica Clements Model: Ngai Chun Cheung is reasoning Jessica Clements Thousand Origami Cranes: Leaving a trail of thousand origami cranes by Ngai Chun Cheung Hong Kong Origami: Origami Cranes in Hong Kong by Ngai Chun Cheung Ngai Chun Cheung Raspberry Pi Zero W Bad Godesberg Bonn Bonn Bad Godesberg TumblrPast-Down Under-The anxiety -The lizard-brain -Its the first step to forever -A little note to myself -Matured |
It's been so long written on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 @ 10:22 PM ∞ 2 candies
Oh my god, it's been year! I know I don't post that much due to my very very very busy schedule. At some point I don't think anyone ever read my blog either. Well it is already the mid of 2017 and let me tell you, it is a hella amazing year. I know right? i started my year with a trip to Istanbul (tbh, that was the best trip ever!), then to Justin Bieber's Purpose concert OMG don't get me started, I'm pretty sure the 13 year old-me is freakin proud of me right now. Not to say that I was a huge fan of Justin and basically grow up listening songs. Wait, no. WE grew up together..its just that he does not know my existence..yet haha kidding! Then last autumn break I went to Sydney with my friends and it was fun! Yeah Sydney is fun until you realize you're broke for that entire month. Not to mention the food there was good and also...expensive ._. Anddd the good news is.. *drumrolls* I'll be going back to Malaysia next month for my winter break *YAAYYYY* Cheers to getting fat and eat delicious malaysian food, celebrating Raya, going out with friends* (well, its a subject to change cos I don't really have any friends to go out with. correction: no friends who wanna go out with me) It's okay it's not a sad thing either cos I have food! No, seriously, I'm not sad. it is just a way of life. Cheers everyone, have a good day! |